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奥运会将对美国经济产生巨大影响.S. streaming market this summer with over a quarter of all SVOD subscribers signing up to a new streaming service just to watch the Games from Paris, 根据一项新的研究.

然而, this masks structural challenges for sports streamers as a combination of diverse broadcasting rights, 杂乱的平台, 价格上涨推动了对更集中服务的需求.

A vast majority (87%) of those paying for sports VOD subscriptions are calling for a single "content hub" to centralize all of their sports subscriptions (and more) into one place, 根据在线支付平台的调查 得了.

它的报告, 基于2的民意调查,体育视频点播订户3万,000普通订户, could be good news for NBCUniversal’s Peacock which secured the rights to stream the Paris Olympic Games this July.

It finds that one in four American subscribers (29%) will sign up to a new streaming service to watch the Olympics this July. For those who already pay for at least one sports VOD streaming platform, this figure jumps to a 66%.

在体育和重大现场活动中存在光环效应. 电流分析 发现, svod持有NFL版权 versus those without showed big gains in Q1 2024 related to football coverage and the 49ers vs. 酋长队超级碗.

派拉蒙(Paramount)和孔雀(Peacock)都播放足球节目.S. internet users claiming to use their platform grow by 22% and 18% respectively over this period, 而在NFL球迷中,这种月度活跃收视率甚至进一步上升, 派拉蒙+上涨30%,孔雀上涨28%. 亚马逊Prime视频, 也展示了足球, 从相同的粉丝群中获得了59%的巨大收益, 根据研究.

NBCU will be hoping Peacock exhibits the same boost when streaming the Paris Olympics.

尽管市场价值很高, 曼谷的分析 也指出了体育流媒体领域的挑战. Sports VOD subscribers are found to adopt more subscriptions—seven per person on average compared to a US average of five. With content spread across multiple services the sports VOD market is described as “like a relay race” for subscribers, with the onus on customers “to pass the baton from one subscription to the next.”

This group is also willing to pay significantly more for those services. 根据得了的分析, 体育视频点播用户平均支付1美元,他们所有的订阅服务每年440美元,每月120美元. In contrast, the average US subscriber pays just $77 per month (66% less).

Over half of sports VOD subscribers told 得了 they can’t afford all the subscriptions they want. 而不是, 超过三分之一(37%)的人经常停下来, 取消和重新订阅不同的服务以降低成本. Nearly three quarters said there are too many different subscription services needed to cover the sports they’re interested in.

价格上涨,如ESPN+从9美元上涨1美元.99 to $10.99美元/月,去年秋天,没有帮助. “As some of the highest value customers in the subscription service market, 体育迷是一个有利可图的受众,值得获得和留住. 但成本越高,期望也越高, and there’s only so far that subscribers can be pushed before they hit the unsubscribe button,报告称。.

最近几个月,密码共享也受到了打击, with platforms like ESPN+ and YouTube (home of the NFL Sunday Ticket) forcing viewers to pay for services they previously accessed for free.

更重要的是, 许多订阅者现在为未使用的订阅付费, 63%的人承认他们会继续使用他们不再使用的服务, 根据研究. And to make matters worse, sports fans don’t want ads to get in the way of the action. Of respondents to this report 71% have upgraded a subscription to remove ads, while 79% “firmly believe” that paid subscriptions should never include ads, 认为这是对已经很付费的流媒体服务的背叛.

这些因素共同推动了令人担忧的盗版趋势. Over half (55%) of sports subscribers surveyed say they view pirated streams as “the best way” to watch and manage all their content in one place which is double the average among US subscribers.

“当一半的体育迷承认在线盗版时, 你知道出事了,保罗·拉贝说, 得了首席执行官. “显然,人们对体育流媒体有着巨大的需求, but the current lack of centralization is undermining this incredibly valuable market.”

流媒体体育市场的集中调整正在发生. 其中最重量级的是 华纳兄弟即将到来. 探索频道、福克斯和迪士尼/ESPN的一体化体育应用 (被称为“Spulu”).

得了表示,未来的超级捆绑销售将不可避免, 并指出电信公司是将各种服务结合在一起的粘合剂. That’s no surprise when considering that 得了 offers a SaaS product that enables the Super Bundling of content subscriptions for telcos like Verizon. 订阅rs are apparently “crying out” for telcos to take control of the disjointed subscription market.

说Larbey, “Sports fans are willing to pay to watch the content they are interested in, 现实情况是,这些内容将来自不同的提供商. 结果是, sports fans want to simplify this arrangement through easy billing and control of subscriptions. 他们需要灵活性和构建自己的捆绑包的能力.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


最近的“订阅战争”报告是由美国政府委托编写的.K.-based digital payments tech company 得了 points to consumer dissatisfaction with the fractured state of subscription services in general and the increasing appeal of indirect subscription options and super-bundles of aggregated services sold through telcos like Optus in Australia. Perhaps it's another sign of less-than-inspiring times that the best thing consumers say streaming services can do for them is to stop standing out from the crowd and start disappearing into it.

富宝起诉华特迪士尼公司和福克斯公司.华纳兄弟. 反垄断实践的发现和附属机构

Fubo filed an antitrust lawsuit against The Walt Disney Company, FOX Corp.华纳兄弟. 发现公司. 以及他们的附属机构, alleging that the vertically-integrated media companies have engaged in a years-long campaign to block Fubo's innovative sports-first streaming business resulting in significant harm to both Fubo and consumers. The complaint alleges that the forthcoming launch of a sports-streaming joint venture steals Fubo's playbook and is the latest example of this campaign.

The ESPN/狐狸/WBD Mega-Bundle and the Vegas-ization of Live Sports Streaming

在超级碗周,当人们对美国的体育感兴趣时.S couldn't be higher--and when the clash between the Chiefs and the 49ers is likely the biggest single-game betting event in US history--old media titans Disney, 狐狸, 和WarnerBros. 发现号正在掷最后一次骰子.