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How Can Sports Streaming Surpass Broadcast and Cable?

衡量体育流媒体成功与否的第一个标准是复制有线电视/广播电视的体验, 而是Julie Neenan Souza, 体育主管, 全球专业服务, AWS, 坚持认为,在利用流媒体的核心优势时,体育流媒体应该瞄准更高的目标, from interactivity to betting to personalization to live ecommerce. Meanwhile, Chance Mason, VP Global GTM Strategy, ViewLift 他认为,下一阶段体育流媒体交付的关键是像AWS这样的流媒体基础设施公司接受他们作为D2C媒体公司的新兴角色,并与体育联盟和体育版权所有者在这一层面进行合作. Souza, Mason, and Matt Del Percio, Partner, 奥特曼梭伦,在这段视频中讨论这些和其他体育流媒体的新兴机会 流媒体连接2024.

Del Percio问大家, “你看到流媒体体育领域在消费者和供应方面都发生了什么?”

Souza says the industry has done a good job of turning the internet into cable. 然而, 这种方法甚至还没有接近流媒体平台原生功能的价值主张. 首先,她说,应该有更多动态的方式来将体育迷的数据货币化. 她还表示,有些订阅模式在任何地方都没有得到尽可能多的利用, 比如小额支付, which would allow viewers to pay for specific games they want to watch. “我认为我们不需要只采用单一的订阅模式,因为这是我们的做法,而且我们也借鉴了有线电视,她说。. “然后想想我们在观看现场体育赛事时在第二个屏幕上做的所有事情. 我正在和朋友聊天. 我正在做所有这些应该内置到直播体验中的其他事情. 所以我应该可以选择我的拍摄角度,选择我的音频输入,选择我的增强水平. Do I want a 主要的 Vision stats overlay? Do I want some sort of Snapchat filter on what I'm watching? 我想要 大城市绿地 或者是 玩具总动员 或者这个游戏的任何版本? 我能遵循我的幻想数据吗? Can I buy tickets to the next game? Can I buy my favorite player’s jersey? Can I order Uber Eats 20 minutes before halftime, 去投票的地方, 打一个真钱的赌, 所有这些? 我们能不能开始构建一个更强大、更互动、更吸引人、更个性化的观看体验? That is one step away from the Holy Grail for me.”

Souza offers further examples of heightened engagement for sports streaming viewers. “如果我在看一个 NBA game, I want to be prompted for prop bets. 只要有人在罚球线上,我就希望我所有的幻想数据都能在l栏上更新. 绝对会让我在中场休息前20分钟叫优步外卖,然后开个聊天帖和我的朋友聊天. 然后,我们将从历史上相当被动的观看体验转变为更主动的观看体验,因为你与你的内容互动.”

Mason同意Souza关于提高实时用户参与度的呼吁,并强调了个性化的重要性. “Whether I follow five different leagues, 三个不同的联盟, 不管是什么, 我的体验必须是个性化的,因为周围发生的一切都有太多的噪音,他说. “You're going to need fan engagement tools. 独特的相互作用, 喜欢同一名球员的人, 喜欢同一支球队的人, 诸如此类的事情. But t在这里's just so much content out t在这里. Personalization will be the key to keeping the viewer sticky to the content.”

Mason also says that from the provider's perspective, 技术在为球队和教练提供实时数据和统计方面的作用至关重要, 同时解决平衡创新和消费者负担能力的挑战. “如果你从供应商的角度来看,这就是技术可用的地方,”他说. “AWS is doing some amazing things with AI. 当你看 国家橄榄球联盟, you get to the Thursday broadcast on 主要的, and you have multiple options to consume from. 然而, 球队和教练是否有很多这样的技术可以根据实时数据和统计数据做出实时决策? 或者消费者希望将其视为一种覆盖,作为其娱乐体验的一部分? 我认为这还有待观察,如果有一个人口统计学的方向是这样或那样. 这是两个不同的镜头, 我们必须确保供应商的镜头成本不会被推到消费者身上,因为消费者没有能力聚合和访问来自其他联赛或球队的不同内容, to w在这里 we get to the point w在这里 we're spending so much money on that. F或者是 consumer, prices are rising. 他们正在引入新的商业模式,比如AVOD,因为他们无法提高价格范围. So the prices can't continue to rise year-over-year or because we're pushing innovation. T在这里 has got to be a balance between innovation and in what the consumer can accept.”

索萨问梅森, “To the extent that you allow that personalization functionality, doesn't it give a little bit more ammunition to tiered structures? So, the people who want to do the deep dives or have a certain level of personalization, maybe they're willing to pay more for it, but you're not necessarily putting that burden on the entire base?”

Mason says sports rights costs are the biggest barrier to the tiered structure approach. “有一个联赛,你可以在四个不同的平台上观看,周一在一个地方. Maybe it's Thursday at another place, maybe it's Sunday at another place. And the consumer's very confused,他说. “这只是一条期限曲线. 娱乐公司正在转向直接面向消费者的公司,而这些公司以前只是生产商. Infrastructure providers like AWS are now media and entertainment companies. You can develop virtual production studios like 巨大的运动. 的y not only have ownership of multiple teams, but they built a studio. 的y bought a Regional Sports Network (RSN), and now they're an entertainment company. 它们有一个线性通道. 的y have all their sports teams under one umbrella. 的y built a state-of-the-art studio. 的 犹他爵士队 做同样的事情. And so they're becoming their own media entertainment companies.”

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

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